
Absolute lymphocyte count

150 300

Test Preparation : No special preparation required

Sample : WB - EDTA

Methodlogy : Cell Counter/ MicroscopyElectrical impedence/ Microscopy

Description :


A diagnostic blood test called the Absolute Lymphocyte Count (ALC) counts the lymphocytes in a person's blood. White blood cells called lymphocytes are an essential component of the immune system, aiding the body's defense against illnesses and infections. These lymphocytes may be precisely counted per microliter of blood using the ALC test. A complete blood count (CBC) test, which includes an ALC test, is frequently requested to evaluate a person's overall immunological status. Increases in lymphocyte numbers can be an indication of a number of diseases, including infections, autoimmune diseases, and some forms of leukemia. Healthcare professionals can learn vital details about the condition and operation of the immune system by assessing the absolute lymphocyte count. The ALC test is useful for identifying illnesses, but it is also useful for tracking how well a patient responds to medications or therapies like chemotherapy or immunosuppressive therapy. It aids medical personnel in customizing treatments to address certain immune system issues, ensuring that patients receive the right care and management for their unique medical requirements.


The Absolute Lymphocyte Count (ALC) test is a useful diagnostic tool that benefits medical professionals in a number of significant ways. Firstly, it quantifies the quantity of lymphocytes in the circulation, which offers crucial information about a person's immunological status. ALC levels that are abnormal can signify a number of medical issues, including viral or bacterial infections, autoimmune diseases, and specific forms of leukemia. Lymphocytes are crucial to the body's defense against infections. The ALC test is crucial for tracking the development of medicines and treatments, too. This test aids medical professionals in evaluating the efficacy of the interventions and making the required corrections for patients receiving immune-suppressive therapies such immunosuppressive medication or chemotherapy. Additionally, it enables them to assess how effectively the patient's immune system has recovered following therapy, resulting in a well-informed approach to care. Additionally, the ALC test is a crucial part of general health evaluations, particularly in situations of unexplained symptoms or a history of immune-related problems. Healthcare professionals can spot possible health issues, diagnose immune system disorders correctly, and create effective treatment programs by evaluating lymphocyte levels.


Consult with your healthcare physician, reveal any medicines, adhere to scheduling guidelines, stay well hydrated, and manage stress and anxiety before an Absolute Lymphocyte Count (ALC) test. Simple blood sampling from an arm vein is all that is required for the test, and little bruising or pain may result in post-test treatment. Keep lines of communication open with your doctor to guarantee accurate results and that you get the right treatment for any underlying issues. These recommendations and open communication can help to guarantee reliable test findings and efficient immune health evaluation.

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