

Includes 46 TEST Tests


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Overview of Good Health Package

How Good Health Package helps you?


The Male Preventive Package - ISO/NABL is a healthcare package aimed at encouraging men to take preventive measures and improve their overall health. It follows ISO and NABL's strict requirements, emphasizing high-quality diagnostic methods. The package comprises a variety of screens, with an emphasis on early detection of potential health issues such as cardiovascular health, diabetes risk, renal function, and liver function. These screens can discover possible problems early on, allowing for prompt treatments and individualized prevention efforts. The package promotes a proactive approach to health management, allowing for better informed decisions and a healthier, more resilient existence. 


The Male Preventive Package - ISO/NABL is a comprehensive healthcare plan that aims to improve men's health. It meets ISO and NABL standards and offers high-quality diagnostic techniques for early diagnosis of potential health issues. The bundle includes exams for cardiovascular health, diabetes risk, kidney and liver function, and other markers. Its key benefit is its ability to provide early detection, allowing healthcare practitioners to identify risk factors and deviations from normal health indicators. This proactive approach not only avoids future health concerns, but also enables people to make educated decisions regarding their health. The package also functions as an instructional tool, directing people toward lifestyle changes that promote general health and longevity. The package promotes a culture of frequent check-ups and proactive health management.


To get reliable findings from thorough health examinations, plan the package for a convenient time and provide enough rest the night before. It is critical to have open contact with healthcare professionals about any current medical issues, drugs, or concerns. Fasting may be recommended for specified lengths of time, particularly if blood tests are part of the examination. Physical tests and imaging studies require comfortable attire. Bringing medical documents or prior test results is also advised. Adherence to pre-test instructions and being hydrated are critical for specialized examinations such as prostate health exams. A proactive approach and open contact with healthcare providers help to provide a well-prepared and effective experience with the Male Preventive Package - ISO/NABL.

Test parameters: 67 Test Code: P559 COMPLETE HEMOGRAM,LIPID PROFILE,LIVER FUNCTION TEST,KIDNEY FUNCTION TEST,GLUCOSE FASTING,THYROID PROFILE TOTAL,URINE R/M,HBA1C,VITAMIN D,VITAMIN B12,IRON etc Fasting: Require 10 to 12 hours Report available in: 24 Hours Prevention is superior to fix. A large portion of the men don't care to go for the test and like setting off to the specialist when there's something incorrectly, let alone for deterrent registration. Yet, in the event that you are extremely worried about your wellbeing and in the event that you are getting the general test for early identification of maladies implies you'll not invest energy at the specialist's office not far off. Contingent upon the period of men, family history, and dietary patterns, men's need numerous tests at various circumstances in their entire lives. The hemoglobin test can decide your level of glucose in the last 2-3 months. It's likewise called HbA1c, glycated hemoglobin test, and glycohemoglobin. Men who have diabetes or family history of diabetes require this test consistently to check whether their levels are remaining inside range. It can let you know whether you ought to change your nourishment propensities and diabetes medication. This test is additionally used to analyze diabetes. The primary driver of abnormal state press in men is nonexclusive condition Hemochromatosis. Otherwise called Iron Overload, this acquired issue makes excessively press be assimilated amid absorption. After a timeframe, press levels can be high in the body and which may prompt the improvement of side effects and challenges with wellbeing.

Fasting Required:
Do not eat or drink anything other than water for 8-12 hours before the test..

Sample: SERUM

Methodlogy: Spectrophotometry (Calculated)

Temp: A/R

Schedule: Daily 1100hrs

Sample: URINE

Methodlogy: Spectrophotometry (Calculated)

Temp: A/R

Schedule: Daily 1100hrs

Sample: SERUM

Methodlogy: ElectroChemiluminescence

Temp: A/R

Schedule: Daily 1100hrs

Sample: SERUM

Methodlogy: ElectroChemiluminescence

Temp: A/R

Schedule: Daily

Sample: SERUM

Methodlogy: UV- Phosphomolybdate

Temp: A/R

Schedule: Daily

Sample: SERUM

Methodlogy: Ion selective Electrode/Potentiometry

Temp: A/R

Schedule: Daily

Sample: URINE

Methodlogy: ISE Direct

Temp: A

Schedule: Daily

Sample: URINE

Methodlogy: Immunochromatography

Temp: A

Schedule: Daily

Sample: SERUM

Methodlogy: ElectroChemiluminescence

Temp: R/F

Schedule: Daily

Sample: SERUM

Methodlogy: ElectroChemiluminescence

Temp: R/F

Schedule: Daily

Sample: SERUM

Methodlogy: ElectroChemiluminescence

Temp: R/F

Schedule: Daily

Sample: SERUM

Methodlogy: ElectroChemiluminescence

Temp: R/F

Schedule: Daily

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