
Acid fast suspectibility 10 drugs (bactec)

200 600

Test Preparation : No special preparation required

Sample : Positive Culture

Methodlogy : Automated Culture System

Description :


The Mycobacterium tuberculosis susceptibility to a panel of ten different anti-tuberculosis medications is assessed using the Acid-Fast Susceptibility 10-Drug (BACTEC) test, a complex diagnostic process. Since drug-resistant forms of the bacteria have evolved, effective treatment for tuberculosis (TB) has become more difficult. An essential tool in the diagnosis and treatment of tuberculosis is the BACTEC test. Patient samples containing mycobacteria are deposited in a customized liquid culture medium that contains the ten anti-TB medicines during the Acid-Fast Susceptibility 10-Drug (BACTEC) test. Isoniazid, rifampicin, ethambutol, streptomycin, and other medications may be among them. The test examines how the mycobacterial strain reacts to each antibiotic over a predefined length of time to determine whether it is susceptible or resistant to the medications. This thorough research helps medical professionals create treatment programs for patients that use the most potent medications possible. This cutting-edge test is especially important in areas with a high prevalence of drug-resistant TB strains. The Acid-Fast Susceptibility 10-Drug (BACTEC) test increases the possibility of effective treatment results by more precisely detecting drug resistance patterns and providing a larger choice of treatment alternatives. It is essential for reducing the transmission of drug-resistant TB, enhancing patient care, and supporting the worldwide campaign to manage and eliminate this contagious illness.


An effective technique for the detection and treatment of TB, a bacterial infection predominantly brought on by Mycobacterium tuberculosis, is the Acid-Fast Susceptibility 10-Drug (BACTEC) test. This test evaluates the microorganisms that cause TB' sensitivity to a wide range of 10 different anti-tuberculosis medications. Growing the bacteria in a specific liquid medium that contains these medications is part of the procedure. The exam benefits medical professionals in a number of ways. In the beginning, it determines if the bacteria are receptive to or resistant to particular medications, which is crucial in figuring out the patient's best course of therapy. This knowledge is especially important in areas with a high prevalence of drug-resistant TB strains because it enables medical professionals to create individualized treatment regimens that increase the likelihood of successfully treating the illness. The Acid-Fast Susceptibility 10-Drug (BACTEC) test, in addition, aids in tracking the development of drug resistance. If resistance is found, medical professionals can quickly modify the treatment plan to ensure its efficacy and stop the spread of drug-resistant TB. In conclusion, by assisting in the treatment of drug-resistant strains and assisting in the selection of the proper drugs, this new diagnostic test greatly contributes to the management of TB. It is a key component in enhancing patient outcomes and a crucial weapon in the global fight against this difficult and enduring infectious illness.


A healthcare physician must work with you on the BACTEC test because it is a diagnostic procedure. It include talking about your health history, symptoms, and possible TB exposure. Describe your complete medical history, mentioning any infections or past treatments. Any drugs, dietary supplements, or herbal therapies you are currently using should be disclosed to your healthcare physician. Obtain sputum samples from your respiratory system by according to the provider's sample collection recommendations. Plan a lab appointment and remain up to date on the testing procedure. You may guarantee an accurate TB diagnosis and course of treatment by adhering to their recommendations and giving them precise medical information.

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