
Acid fast suspectibility 10 drugs. (l j)

200 300

Test Preparation : No special preparation required

Sample : Positive Culture

Methodlogy : L-J Method

Description :


The Acid-fast susceptibility - 10-drug Löwenstein-Jensen (L-J) test is a sophisticated and comprehensive diagnostic assay used in clinical microbiology to evaluate bacterial strain susceptibility to a wider variety of antimicrobial medicines, most notably Mycobacterium TB. The Löwenstein-Jensen agar medium is divided into ten independent sections for this test, which extends the conventional five-drug L-J test. Isoniazid, rifampicin, ethambutol, streptomycin, pyrazinamide, and other medications including fluoroquinolones and second-line anti-TB medications are frequently included in this group of medications. The 10-drug L-J test is useful when treating TB patients who are complex and drug-resistant. In order to more accurately personalize treatment regimens, it provides a more detailed profile of medication susceptibility. By exposing the suspected Mycobacterium tuberculosis strain to this larger panel of medications, the test assists in the identification of the most effective therapies and leads physicians in better treating drug-resistant forms of TB. This state-of-the-art diagnostic method is crucial for improving patient outcomes, stopping the spread of drug-resistant strains, and ultimately assisting the global TB fight.


The 10-drug acid-fast susceptibility test A key diagnostic technique in clinical microbiology is the Löwenstein-Jensen (L-J) test, which offers a thorough understanding of bacterial susceptibility, particularly in situations of Mycobacterium TB infection. It provides thorough drug profiling, allowing medical professionals to find the best treatments for patients even in situations when there is medication resistance. The test also enables physicians to deliver precise care by enabling them to create individualized treatment regimens for patients, improving the likelihood of effective therapy and reducing adverse effects. The test is especially useful for identifying drug-resistant TB strains since it enables medical personnel to use substitute drugs, lowering the likelihood of treatment failure and the establishment of drug-resistant TB variations. The test considerably improves patient outcomes by facilitating quick treatment, raising the chance of full recovery, shortening the length of sickness, and lowering the risk of relapse. The L-J test is essential in public health initiatives to combat TB because it allows for customized treatment and reduces the spread of drug-resistant strains. It aids in the overall decline in TB cases and the containment of drug-resistant strains by enabling healthcare professionals to make knowledgeable judgments about tuberculosis therapy.


The 10-drug Löwenstein-Jensen (L-J) Acid-fast susceptibility test is a challenging procedure that needs careful data collecting, processing, and collaboration with the lab. It requires a clinical specimen, usually sputum, which needs to be handled carefully and preserved according to the right guidelines. In-depth patient data from the lab must also include the patient's medical background, past diagnoses, and clinical information. A qualified technician processes the specimen, which may involve disinfection. After that, the sample is inoculated into Löwenstein-Jensen agar plates that include one of the 10 antimicrobial medications on each plate. To track trends of resistance and monitor bacterial development, regular monitoring is required. The results are interpreted by medical specialists within the context of the patient's clinical situation to choose the most efficient medication combination for treating the particular TB strain.

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