Includes 16 TEST Tests
With an emphasis on cutting-edge diagnostics and superior treatment, the Advanced Arthritis Package - ISO/NABL is a complete healthcare program created to manage arthritis. It is accredited according to ISO/NABL standards and determines the type and severity of arthritis using cutting-edge methods such as imaging investigations and laboratory testing. Individualized treatment plans, medication management, focused therapy, and cutting-edge interventions catered to the specific requirements of every patient are all included in the package. Integration of physical therapy improves joint function and reduces symptoms. Another important component is lifestyle coaching, which enables people to create joint health habits that last a lifetime. Customized meal plans are frequently offered, taking into account the influence of dietary choices on inflammatory ailments. All things considered, the package offers a comprehensive strategy for managing arthritis while guaranteeing accuracy and consistency in diagnostic processes.
The Advanced Arthritis Package - ISO/NABL is a premium healthcare strategy that concentrates on controlling and enhancing issues associated to arthritis. It is accredited by ISO/NABL and guarantees accuracy and dependability in diagnostic processes, offering a thorough comprehension of the kind and intensity of arthritis. Individualized treatment plans are provided by the package, which include targeted therapy, medication management, and enhanced interventions based on the specific needs of each patient. Incorporating physical therapy improves joint function and reduces symptoms; on the other hand, lifestyle counseling enables people to adopt behaviors that promote long-term joint health. The package also recognizes that nutrition plays a major role in inflammatory disorders and frequently offers customized food programs. This all-encompassing method not only treats the current symptoms but also offers resources and assistance for long-term joint health.
An all-encompassing strategy for controlling and enhancing arthritis-related issues is the Advanced Arthritis Package - ISO/NABL. It entails compiling medical records, following pre-test guidelines, and keeping lines of contact open with medical specialists. To get ready for the package, people should think back on their everyday activities, particular symptoms, and obstacles they might encounter. Clear information regarding recreational and lifestyle choices aids medical specialists in developing individualized treatment programs. It's important to stay upbeat and proactive during the process since it helps to customize the experience by having active conversations regarding treatment preferences, lifestyle factors, and arthritis symptoms. Through these proactive measures, people can optimize the advantages of the package, guaranteeing a thorough and customized strategy for controlling and enhancing issues associated to arthritis.
Test parameters: 49 Test Code: P588 COMPLETE HEMOGRAM, LIPID PROFILE, LIVER FUNCTION TEST, KIDNEY FUNCTION TEST, THYROID PROFILE TOTAL, GLUCOSE FASTING, RA RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS FACTOR, VITAMIN D etc Fasting: Require 10 to 12 hours Report available in: 24 Hours Joint pain is extremely broad yet isn't surely knew. It is a casual method for alluding to joint agony or joint ailment. Torment, Stiffness, Swelling, Redness, Decreased scope of movement are the essential side effects of joint inflammation. Joint pain can be caused by a few components like insufficiency of vitamin D, Glucose and abnormal state of Rheumatoid Factor (RF) in the body. Rheumatoid factor(RF) is a bunch of proteins your body makes when your safe framework assaults sound tissue. Ordinary RF: 0-20 u/mL (units per milliliter of blood) High RF: 20 u/mL or higher
Sample: EDTA, Fluoride, Plane & Urine
Methodlogy: NA
Temp: R
Schedule: Daily
Sample: Serum (3ml)
Methodlogy: NA
Temp: R
Schedule: 3rd DAY
Sample: CSF
Methodlogy: Aerobic Culture & Sensitivity
Temp: A
Schedule: Daily
Sample: Swab
Methodlogy: Aerobic Culture & Sensitivity
Temp: A
Schedule: Daily
Sample: Swab
Methodlogy: Aerobic Culture & Sensitivity
Temp: A
Schedule: Daily
Sample: PUS
Methodlogy: Aerobic Culture & Sensitivity
Temp: A
Schedule: Daily
Sample: SEMEN
Methodlogy: Aerobic Culture & Sensitivity
Temp: A
Schedule: Daily