
Alpha feto protein (afp titre)

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Test Preparation : No special preparation required

Sample : SERUM

Methodlogy : ElectroChemiluminescence

Description :


The content of alpha-fetoprotein in the blood may be determined using a medical diagnostic process called the Alpha-Fetoprotein (AFP) Titre test. The fetal liver and yolk sac generate the protein known as alpha-fetoprotein throughout pregnancy, and its levels normally drop dramatically after delivery. AFP levels in the bloodstream are typically low in healthy persons. Elevated AFP levels, however, can signify a number of illnesses. This examination fulfills various crucial roles in healthcare. Although it is not a diagnostic test on its own, it can be used during pregnancy as a screening tool to evaluate the risk of some fetal anomalies, including neural tube defects and chromosomal abnormalities. An AFP Titre test is frequently used to assist diagnose and monitor liver disorders, such as liver cancer or liver disease, in non-pregnant people. Additionally, several gastrointestinal malignancies and testicular cancer have been linked to elevated AFP levels. The AFP Titre test is essential for identifying diseases early, tracking treatment outcomes, and determining the likelihood of developing specific illnesses. The underlying reason of the raised AFP levels must be identified in order to develop an effective treatment strategy, thus it's crucial to keep in mind that elevated AFP levels alone do not offer a conclusive diagnosis.


A useful diagnostic technique for determining the level of alpha-fetoprotein in the blood is the Alpha-Fetoprotein (AFP) Titre test. A basic blood draw is often used in the operation, in which a medical expert takes a tiny sample of blood from a vein, usually in the arm. Once blood has been drawn, a sample is submitted to a lab for evaluation. The amount of AFP in the blood sample is measured in the lab using specific tools and methods. A numerical number, often in nanograms per milliliter (ng/mL), is presented for the findings. Healthcare professionals then evaluate these findings to determine the patient's current state of health. Increased AFP levels can be a sign of a number of illnesses, including several cancers, especially liver and testicular cancer, as well as liver ailments or other health problems. In contrast, AFP levels that are excessively low might also be important in some clinical situations. The AFP Titre test is a useful tool for identifying diseases early, tracking disease development, and determining the likelihood of developing specific illnesses. However, it's crucial to keep in mind that increased or decreased AFP levels alone are not diagnostic. To identify the underlying reason for the AFP level changes and to help choose the most suitable course of action, further diagnostic tests and medical history analyses are frequently required.


A straightforward blood test with little preparation is the Alpha-Fetoprotein (AFP) Titre test. Your healthcare practitioner should be consulted, along with a full inventory of all the drugs and supplements you are presently taking. Most of the time, fasting is not necessary, although being hydrated will help your outcomes. It is advised to wear loose-fitting clothes that allows for simple access to the arm for blood collection. Although it's acceptable to relax, it's also advisable to talk to your doctor about any worries you have. Any particular recommendations given by your doctor or the testing institution should be followed. This straightforward examination can aid in the early diagnosis and treatment of several medical disorders.

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