
Cd3 cd4 cd8

200 300

Test Preparation : No special preparation required

Sample : WB - EDTA

Methodlogy : Flow Cytometry - BD FACSCalibur

Description :


 The CD3/CD4/CD8 test, also known as a T-cell subset panel, is a diagnostic blood test that assesses the quantity of several T lymphocyte subtypes, an essential part of the immune system. T lymphocytes can be divided into a number of subsets according on whether or not certain proteins are present on the cell surface of the cells. This test primarily assesses the following subsets:

T cells that have the CD3 marker on them: All mature T cells have this marker. Measuring CD3-positive T cells aids in determining the T-cell population as a whole. T cells that are CD4-positive: Helper T cells are the main carriers of the CD4 protein. These cells are a major target for the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and are crucial in the coordination of the immune response. CD4 levels are crucial for controlling HIV/AIDS and assessing the health of the immune system.

T cells that have been identified to express CD8 are known as cytotoxic T cells, which are in charge of eliminating diseased or aberrant cells. The evaluation of the immune response to infections and illnesses is assisted by CD8 levels. With the use of the CD3/CD4/CD8 test, healthcare professionals may identify and keep track of a number of medical illnesses, including HIV/AIDS, autoimmune diseases, and immune system abnormalities. Healthcare professionals may decide on effective treatment plans, track the evolution of illnesses, and make sure the immune system is working at its best by determining the amounts of different T-cell subsets.


The T-cell subset panel test, sometimes referred to as the CD3/CD4/CD8 test, is a vital diagnostic technique that offers critical perceptions into a person's immunological system, empowering medical professionals to make educated decisions and enhance patient care. This exam helps us in a number of important ways: First off, it aids in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases like HIV/AIDS. Measuring CD4-positive T cells is essential for determining how well HIV-positive people's immune systems are functioning. Healthcare professionals may decide when antiretroviral medication should be started, assess treatment efficacy, and make the required corrections to improve patient outcomes by tracking CD4 levels over time. The CD3/CD4/CD8 test also helps to assess the immune system's response to infections and illnesses. It offers useful details on the proportions of cytotoxic T cells (CD8-positive), which are in charge of removing infected or aberrant cells. Healthcare professionals can adjust their treatment plans by taking into account an elevated CD8 count, which can indicate an immune response that is actively battling a virus or malignancy. The test also aids in the diagnosis and treatment of immune system and autoimmune illnesses. T-cell subset imbalances can point to underlying immunological dysregulation, aiding medical professionals in diagnosing and treating these disorders.


A T-cell subset panel test, commonly known as a CD3/CD4/CD8 test, preparation is simple and doesn't call for any particular dietary or lifestyle modifications. Consult your healthcare practitioner, reveal any drugs, adhere to the test time, stay hydrated, and lower your stress levels in order to guarantee a successful test. Simple blood sampling from an arm vein is all that is required for the test, and little bruising or pain may result in post-test treatment. For determining immunological health and providing the best possible medical outcomes, accurate test findings are essential.

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