
Cd4 absolute count

100 300

Test Preparation : No special preparation required

Sample : WB - EDTA

Methodlogy : Flow Cytometry - BD FACSCalibur

Description :


A diagnostic blood test called the CD3 Absolute Count counts all of a person's CD3-positive T cells in the body. A particular subset of white blood cells called CD3-positive T lymphocytes is essential for the immune system's defense against infections, cancer, and other disorders. The precise quantity of these T cells per microliter of blood is determined by this assay. Immunology and clinical practice place a lot of importance on CD3 Absolute Count testing. Numerous medical illnesses, such as autoimmune disorders, viral infections (including HIV), and specific forms of leukemia, can be diagnosed and monitored with its help. Unusual CD3 T-cell counts can reveal immune system malfunction and aid medical professionals in identifying underlying health problems. Healthcare professionals may decide on effective treatment plans, monitor a patient's reaction to therapy, and check sure the immune system is working properly by measuring the CD3 Absolute Count. This examination is an important tool for evaluating immune function and directing medical actions to improve patient outcomes.


The CD3 Absolute Count test is an effective diagnostic tool that aids medical professionals in a variety of key ways and offers crucial insights into a person's immunological health. The first benefit is that it helps with the diagnosis and follow-up of a variety of illnesses, such as autoimmune diseases, viral infections, and some forms of leukemia. Healthcare professionals can spot irregularities in the immune system's T-cell population, enabling early identification and action, by counting the precise amount of CD3-positive T cells. Second, the CD3 Absolute Count test is essential for tracking the development of therapies and treatments. This test aids medical professionals in evaluating the efficacy of antiretroviral medications for people with immune system-altering illnesses like HIV and making the required modifications. The test also plays a critical role in determining a patient's general immunological state. It gives important details regarding a person's capacity for mounting an immunological response, which is crucial for defense against infections and illnesses. This knowledge enables medical professionals to customize treatments and preventative measures, ensuring that the patient's immune system performs at its best. In conclusion, the CD3 Absolute Count test is an essential instrument for evaluating immune function and directing treatment decisions. It enables medical professionals to identify and track immune-related illnesses, improve treatment plans, and support the greatest patient outcomes.


An easy blood test that involves little effort from the patient is a CD3 Absolute Count test. Consult with your healthcare physician, reveal any medicines, adhere to the test schedule, stay hydrated, and lower your stress levels in order to guarantee a successful test. Simple blood sampling from an arm vein is all that is required for the test, and little bruising or pain may result in post-test treatment. For determining immunological health and providing the best possible medical outcomes, accurate test findings are essential. For a good exam preparation, it's crucial to keep the lines of communication open with your healthcare provider.

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