
Complete blood count (cbc) with p s

300 400

Test Preparation : No special preparation required

Sample : WB - EDTA

Methodlogy : Electrical Impedance & microscopy

Description :


A complete laboratory study called a complete blood count (CBC) with peripheral blood smear (P/S) test gives important details about the cellular components of a patient's blood. One of the most frequent and important tests used in clinical medicine. The test's CBC component counts several blood constituents, such as platelets, white blood cells, and red blood cells (RBCs). In order to diagnose and keep track of disorders like anemia and polycythemia, it offers data on the quantity and size of RBCs. White blood cell kinds and proportions are revealed by the WBC count and differential, which helps in the early diagnosis of infections, inflammation, and certain blood diseases. In determining a patient's capacity to produce a healthy blood clot, platelet counts are essential. The P/S element of the test entails microscopically evaluating a peripheral blood smear. This makes it possible to evaluate blood cells' dimensions, forms, and traits in great detail. It can offer crucial diagnostic hints in cases of leukemia, infections, or other hematological illnesses and is especially useful in detecting aberrant cells, such as immature white blood cells. In conclusion, a CBC with P/S test is a thorough and adaptable diagnostic tool that helps medical professionals determine a patient's general health, make a variety of diagnoses, and track the success of therapies. This examination is essential in clinical practice and is crucial to the treatment of patients and the control of illness.


A vital tool in healthcare, the Complete Blood Count (CBC) with Peripheral Blood Smear (P/S) test provides a plethora of data on a patient's blood and general health. In numerous important ways, this exam benefits medical professionals. The CBC portion of the test, at the beginning, offers a thorough view of the patient's blood composition. It measures platelets, white blood cells, and red blood cells, which aids in the diagnosis and monitoring of a variety of illnesses. While variations in WBC count and differential can identify infections, inflammation, or blood diseases, abnormalities in RBC count or size can suggest anemia. The number of platelets in the blood is crucial for determining how well the blood clots. Second, the P/S element of the test enables a thorough microscopic analysis of blood cells. The identification of aberrant cell shapes, sizes, and features depends on this microscopic study. It can help in the early diagnosis of illnesses where aberrant white blood cells may be present, such leukemia. Additionally, the P/S test sheds light on various hematological conditions, infections, and platelet abnormalities. Overall, from anemia and infections to leukemia and bleeding disorders, the CBC with P/S test is a cornerstone in the diagnosis and follow-up of a wide range of medical diseases. This test assists medical professionals in accurately diagnosing patients, customizing treatment regimens, and assessing the efficacy of medicines. As a result, patients receive better care and have better health outcomes.


The preparation of the patient for a Complete Blood Count (CBC) with Peripheral Blood Smear (P/S) test is minimal. For more detailed instructions, speak with your healthcare practitioner, let them know about any supplements or prescriptions you are taking, and then heed their advice. It is often not necessary to fast, and it is advised to wear loose-fitting clothing. In order to minimize tension or anxiety and maintain performance, relaxation is crucial. Your healthcare provider's medical advise should be followed since they can have specific suggestions. Depending on a person's personal health situation and the needs of the laboratory, several preparations may be used.

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