
Fever panel i complete hemogram widal mp urine r m

500 700

Test Preparation : No special preparation required

Sample : EDTA, Serum & Urine

Methodlogy : NA

Description :


The Fever Panel I is a diagnostic test created to help medical professionals identify the underlying cause of a patient's fever. It consists of four crucial parts:
Comprehensive study of the blood's cellular components, including RBCs, WBCs, and platelets, is provided by the complete hemogram (also known as a complete blood count). It aids in the discovery of anomalies including anemia, leukocytosis (increased white blood cell count), or leukopenia (decreased white blood cell count) that may point to a number of underlying illnesses or infections. The Widal test is used to identify antibodies to the microorganisms Salmonella typhi and Salmonella paratyphi, which cause typhoid and paratyphoid fevers, respectively, in the blood. Elevated antibody levels may signify recent or prior bacterial illness. Malaria Parasite (MP) Test: The MP test looks for the malarial parasite in a sample of blood. It aids in the diagnosis of malaria, a potentially fatal parasitic illness spread by mosquitoes. Urine Routine/Microscopy (Urine R/M): This urine test looks at the color, appearance, and presence of cells or other objects in the urine. It helps determine kidney function and spot urinary tract infections (UTIs). When a patient has a chronic fever with no known cause, the Fever Panel I is often advised. By combining these tests, medical professionals may effectively rule out or identify common causes of fever, such as bacterial or malarial illnesses, and collect important data to help them decide on the most suitable course of action. This panel assists in delivering a more precise and focused strategy for treating febrile diseases.


A diagnostic tool that helps doctors identify and treat febrile diseases is the Fever Panel I. It consists of diagnostic procedures that aid in determining the root cause of a patient's fever, including Complete Hemogram, Widal, MP, and Urine R/M. The Complete Hemogram evaluates blood components and looks for anomalies that could point to diseases or infections. The MP test concentrates on finding malarial parasites, whereas the Widal test looks for antibodies linked to typhoid and paratyphoid fevers. Since infections may get worse if ignored, early identification is essential for rapid treatment. Healthcare professionals can recommend the most efficient treatment plan once the underlying cause of the fever has been determined, such as antibiotics for bacterial infections and antimalarial drugs for malaria. The Fever Panel I can be repeated to monitor the patient's response to treatment, indicating the effectiveness of the treatment. The Urine R/M component helps identify urinary tract infections, which can also cause fever. Detecting and treating UTIs promptly is essential to prevent complications and provide relief to the patient. Overall, the Fever Panel I is a valuable diagnostic tool for managing febrile illnesses effectively.


To prepare for a Fever Panel I test, fast for 8-10 hours before the test, stay hydrated, inform your healthcare provider about any medications or supplements, and have a valid prescription form. Wear comfortable clothing for blood collection and arrive on time. Provide a urine sample if needed for the Urine R/M test. Follow lab technician or healthcare provider instructions during the tests. After the tests, rest and follow post-test instructions. Cooperating with your healthcare team ensures a smooth test experience and accurate results for diagnosing and managing your health condition.

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