

200 300

Test Preparation : No special preparation required

Sample : Plasma -Na Citrate

Methodlogy : Triggered Coagulation & Clot Detection

Description :


The fibrinogen test, sometimes referred to as a fibrinogen assay or a fibrinogen level assessment, is a diagnostic lab procedure that determines the amount of fibrinogen present in a patient's blood. A crucial protein in the blood's coagulation cascade, fibrinogen is essential for the development of blood clots. A blood artery injury causes fibrinogen to become fibrin threads, which form a mesh-like structure to capture blood cells and form a solid clot. In situations of bleeding problems or irregular clotting, the fibrinogen test is generally used to assess a person's coagulation status. It aids in the diagnosis of diseases such disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC), where excessive clot formation throughout the body frequently results in unusually low fibrinogen levels. On the other hand, because fibrinogen is an acute-phase reactant that rises as the body reacts to injury or illness, high fibrinogen levels may be a sign of disorders like inflammation. Understanding and treating a variety of medical diseases depend on keeping an eye on fibrinogen levels since they provide us important information about a person's coagulation and inflammatory status. The fibrinogen test is a vital tool for identifying clotting abnormalities, bleeding tendencies, and inflammatory processes and for directing treatment, which ultimately leads to better patient care and results.


The fibrinogen test is an important diagnostic technique that offers vital insights into a person's coagulation and inflammatory status, assisting in the identification, management, and treatment of numerous medical disorders. We benefit greatly from this exam in a number of ways. By testing fibrinogen levels, it first helps medical professionals spot and keep an eye on bleeding problems or clotting irregularities. Low levels of fibrinogen may be a sign of diseases like disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC), which is characterized by excessive clot production and consumption and bleeding tendencies. On the other hand, increased fibrinogen levels may indicate inflammation or other underlying medical conditions and call for more research. Second, the fibrinogen test plays a critical role in determining how to proceed with therapy. For instance, in DIC patients, maintaining or refilling fibrinogen levels with suitable therapy might be crucial to controlling bleeding and avoiding consequences. On the other hand, in cases where excessive clotting occurs, lowering fibrinogen levels may be required to reduce the danger of dangerous blood clots. The exam also helps in determining how well different medical issues are treated. Healthcare professionals are able to assess the effectiveness of treatments and make the required corrections to improve patient care by monitoring variations in fibrinogen levels over time.


The process of getting ready for a fibrinogen test is simple and doesn't take much time. Any medicines or dietary supplements you are presently taking should be disclosed to your healthcare practitioner in order to facilitate a smooth procedure. Some medications might alter blood clotting and test results. Fasting is often not essential, and relaxed attire with rolled sleeves is advised. Accurate findings depend on you remaining calm and doing as your doctor or the laboratory instructs. This is crucial for anyone taking drugs that may have an impact on fibrinogen levels or blood clotting.

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