
Glucose tolerance test (gtt) 100 gm glucose

199 299

Test Preparation : No special preparation required

Sample : Plasma- NaF

Methodlogy : Hexokinase

Description :


An evaluation of your body's ability to digest glucose (sugar) and how well your cells react to insulin, the hormone that controls blood sugar levels, is done by a glucose tolerance test. It is primarily used to identify people with diabetes or prediabetes and to track gestational diabetes in pregnant women. The night before the exam, you usually have to fast, meaning you can't eat or drink anything than water. You ingest a particular glucose solution following the measurement of your fasting blood sugar levels. To monitor how your body metabolizes the sugar over time, blood samples are obtained at regular intervals, often every 30 minutes to two hours. This aids medical personnel in spotting any irregularities in glucose metabolism. If blood sugar levels continually remain high or do not fall to acceptable ranges after ingesting the glucose solution, the test may indicate the existence of diabetes. Insights into your body's capacity to regulate sugar are gained by glucose tolerance testing, which may also direct management and therapy approaches if any problems with glucose control are found. For proper test results, it's crucial to adhere to your healthcare provider's recommendation


The glucose tolerance test is essential for assessing how the body uses glucose and reacts to insulin and can provide important information about how well someone controls their blood sugar. This test aids in identifying possible problems with glucose metabolism by monitoring blood sugar levels at different time intervals following consumption of a glucose solution. It helps healthcare providers diagnose patients with diabetes, prediabetes, and gestational diabetes accurately and start the right treatment strategies. The test offers a dynamic view of how the body manages sugar over time and identifies anomalies that may not be seen during routine fasting blood sugar checks. For those who have previously been given a diabetes diagnosis, the test can help in evaluating the efficacy of their present course of care and directing modifications to better manage their disease. All things considered, the glucose tolerance test is an essential tool for encouraging early identification, adequate management, and efficient preventative methods for diabetes and associated metabolic diseases.


Before taking a glucose tolerance test, you should fast for at least eight hours, stay away from meals rich in sugar or carbohydrates, and dress comfortably. Avoid engaging in excessive physical activity and let your healthcare professional know about any drugs you are taking. Drink a particular glucose solution while doing the test, and have periodic blood samples obtained. Resuming your usual activities and diet after the exam. Accurate findings are ensured by adhering to these recommendations and your healthcare provider's instructions, which also offers useful information about your metabolic health.

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