
Hla dr4 (drb1*04)

100 400

Test Preparation : No special preparation required

Sample : WB - Yellow Top (ACD) tube (20mL)

Methodlogy : PCR

Description :


The Human Leukocyte Antigen-DR4 test, often known as the HLA-DR4 test, is a diagnostic tool utilized in the fields of genetics and immunology. It precisely examines a person's human leukocyte antigen (HLA) profile to determine if the HLA-DR4 gene variation is present or not. By generating proteins that aid the body in differentiating between its own cells and outside invaders like viruses and bacteria, HLA genes play a crucial function in the immune system. Particular autoimmune conditions including rheumatoid arthritis and type 1 diabetes are linked to the HLA-DR4 gene variation. This test can help determine a person's HLA-DR4 gene status, which is important information for determining their vulnerability to various autoimmune diseases. It's crucial to highlight that these disorders are impacted by a variety of genetic and environmental variables, therefore carrying the HLA-DR4 gene does not ensure their development. The HLA-DR4 test helps medical professionals in clinical settings make better educated decisions about patient treatment and monitoring. It can aid in early identification and individualized treatment plans by determining a person's propensity for autoimmune diseases having a hereditary component. The HLA-DR4 test, which provides information on a person's genetic susceptibility to specific medical disorders, is generally regarded as a useful tool in the field of diagnosing genetic and autoimmune diseases.


In the realm of medical diagnostics and customized healthcare, the HLA-DR4 test is essential. A genetic test called human leukocyte antigen (HLA) typing, in particular HLA-DR4, provides us with important information about an individual's immune system. Rheumatoid arthritis and Type 1 diabetes are two autoimmune illnesses that have been linked to HLA-DR4. Healthcare experts can determine a person's vulnerability to these illnesses by determining if they have any HLA-DR4 alleles in their genetic makeup. With the help of early intervention and preventative measures, this knowledge is useful in identifying the likelihood of developing autoimmune illnesses. The HLA-DR4 test also assists in choosing the best medicines and treatments since people with this genetic marker may react differently to pharmaceuticals. In conclusion, the HLA-DR4 test equips doctors to provide individualized treatment, improve illness management, and ultimately raise patients' quality of life.


The HLA-DR4 test is a straightforward genetic examination that takes little effort from the subject. In order to be ready, speak with your healthcare practitioner, let them know about any prescription drugs or dietary supplements you are presently taking, dress comfortably, remain hydrated, and adhere to their directions. There is no need to fast; you are free to eat and drink normally before the test. Drinking plenty of water and according to your doctor's recommendations will help you feel less anxious and get accurate results. These actions will help you maintain your general health and guarantee a smooth and accurate exam.

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