
Hla b 27

100 200

Test Preparation : No special preparation required

Sample : WB-EDTA

Methodlogy : Flow Cytometry - BD FACSCalibur

Description :


The human leukocyte antigen B27 (HLA-B27) test is a diagnostic blood test that finds the presence of a certain genetic marker. Ankylosing spondylitis, an arthritis that mostly affects the spine and sacroiliac joints, is one autoimmune and inflammatory illness for which this test is extremely important in the diagnosis. Although the HLA-B27 marker is not specific to ankylosing spondylitis, it is linked to a higher chance of getting the disease. When a patient complains of symptoms including stiffness, joint inflammation, and chronic lower back pain, doctors frequently request the HLA-B27 test. Despite suggesting a higher risk of certain illnesses, a positive result does not conclusively identify a particular disease and instead calls for more clinical assessment and testing. On the other hand, because not all people with these disorders contain this genetic marker, a negative HLA-B27 test does not rule out these conditions. The HLA-B27 test, when used in conjunction with other clinical data, aids medical professionals in making more precise diagnoses and customizing treatment programs for individuals with inflammatory and autoimmune illnesses.


Healthcare practitioners can benefit greatly from the HLA-B27 test in a number of ways. By detecting the presence of the HLA-B27 genetic marker, it first assists in the early identification of several autoimmune and inflammatory illnesses, mainly ankylosing spondylitis. Early detection allows for prompt treatment and intervention, which can help control symptoms and reduce problems linked to these illnesses. The HLA-B27 test also aids in eliminating probable causes of symptoms. If a patient's HLA-B27 test results are negative, it may cause medical professionals to look into alternative diagnostic possibilities rather than taking into account diseases linked to this genetic marker. This helps to save time and resources by reducing the list of potential explanations for a patient's health problems. Additionally, the HLA-B27 test can help us understand illness risk better. People who test positive for HLA-B27 but do not now exhibit symptoms may be at a higher risk of later acquiring associated illnesses. People may successfully manage their health thanks to the proactive monitoring and preventative steps made possible by this information. In conclusion, the HLA-B27 test offers useful data for diagnosing, excluding, and estimating the risk of specific autoimmune and inflammatory disorders, thereby supporting healthcare professionals in providing their patients with more accurate and timely care.


Simple blood tests like the HLA-B27 test don't call for special dietary or lifestyle modifications. In order to be prepared, discuss any drugs or dietary supplements you are taking with your healthcare physician. You are permitted to eat and drink normally; fasting is not necessary. Use relaxation techniques to reduce anxiety, dress comfortably, and tell your healthcare practitioner about any bleeding problems or blood-thinning drugs you are using. Carefully adhere to any post-test instructions as they can include follow-up appointments or post-test treatment.

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