
Ihc gfap

299 399

Test Preparation : No special preparation required

Sample : Paraffin Blocks/Tissue in buffered formalin

Methodlogy : IHC

Description :


Ischemic stroke, transient ischemic attack, brain blood clots, and other neurological conditions cause millions of deaths every year. Every country has these kinds of sudden strokes and attacks, and the number of people who pass away from such illnesses is rising over time. Patients with high blood pressure are at risk for sudden stroke and brain hemorrhage, thus they should get a special blood test called IHC-Glial-Fibrillary-Acidic-Protein (GFAP). To rule out blood clots and other neurological issues, those who sustained severe head traumas should also get a GFAP blood test.


People who have previously experienced a small or large stroke will be able to rule out cerebral or significant neurological health problems when they undertake IHC-Glial-Fibrillary-Acidic-Protein (GFAP) serum examination. Deaths from brain injuries and neurological difficulties are on the rise. Patients who undergo this blood test who have frequent episodes of epilepsy, nausea, headaches, and other brain-related issues will learn more about the GRAP bio-makers. When they find high GRAP protein markers in the brain, doctors will either modify the current medication or give different medications.


Patients who have a stroke, ischemia issues, or brain damage should be required to get the GFAP blood test. People who intend to get these kinds of blood tests should refrain from eating or drinking for at least 8 or 9 hours before the test. Empty stomach is an excellent alternative since patients will obtain a clear image of the blood's GFAP markers. Since it will be simple for the medical professionals to collect blood from the arms, people should wear loose clothing. In most cases, the healthcare professional draws blood from the patient's body via sterile injection. Patients just need to spend a few to few minutes at the clinic or diagnostic facility, and the procedure will be finished swiftly.

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