
Ihc lmw k

200 300

Test Preparation : No special preparation required

Sample : Paraffin Blocks/Tissue in buffered formalin

Methodlogy : IHC

Description :


A specialized diagnostic technique called the IHC (Immunohistochemistry) LMW-K test is used in pathology and medical labs to find and evaluate the expression of Low Molecular Weight (LMW) cytokeratin proteins in tissue samples. A collection of proteins known as cytokeratins is present in epithelial cells, which make up the skin, organs, and glands, among other tissues in the body. Specific antibodies are used in the LMW-K test to target and see these proteins in tissue sections, which are commonly taken from biopsies or surgical specimens. The IHC LMW-K test's main objective is to support the identification and categorization of cancers, particularly those of epithelial origin. The kind and origin of a tumor can be determined with great precision by pathologists and medical experts by examining abnormal expression patterns or overexpression of cytokeratins. Additionally, this test can be helpful in identifying different cancer types, assessing the aggressiveness of the tumor, and directing therapy choices. In conclusion, the IHC LMW-K test is a crucial pathology tool that helps with the accurate identification of malignancies, particularly those originating from epithelial tissues. By offering vital data for treatment planning and prognosis evaluation, it helps to enhance patient care. HOW


The IHC (Immunohistochemistry) LMW-K test is a diagnostic instrument that offers substantial benefits to medical practitioners. First and foremost, by identifying and evaluating the expression of Low Molecular Weight (LMW) cytokeratin proteins in tissue samples, this test assists in the accurate identification of a variety of disorders, including malignancies. Pathologists can more correctly diagnose the disease by using abnormal cytokeratin expression patterns that can provide vital details about the source and nature of tumors. Additionally, this test is essential in identifying tumor aggressiveness, which is important for therapy planning. It aids medical professionals in comprehending the tumor's properties, such as its propensity to infiltrate nearby tissues and spread to other areas of the body. This knowledge aids in predicting patient outcomes and aids in the selection of suitable therapy. Additionally, the test is crucial for separating various cancer kinds that could seem identical under a microscope. Medical practitioners may distinguish distinct malignancies with similar morphologies by examining cytokeratin expression, ensuring that patients get specialized treatment plans based on the unique features of their diseases. In conclusion, the IHC LMW-K test is an important part of pathology and oncology, assisting in the precise diagnosis, categorization, and prognostic evaluation of diseases. It is essential to customized medicine because it enables medical professionals to choose the best course of therapy for each patient, eventually increasing their quality of life and results.


In order to prepare for an Immunohistochemistry (IHC) LMW-K test, the patient and healthcare practitioner must work together. Although the patient's involvement is minimal, they are required to provide a thorough medical history, which should include any current illnesses, drugs, allergies, and past treatments. Tissue samples will be obtained by a biopsy or surgical procedure if the test is advised. It is necessary to read and sign informed consent documents, and it is possible to look for emotional support from friends, family, or support groups. The healthcare professional may give post-procedure care instructions. It's crucial to communicate openly with the medical staff. The medical professional and laboratory staff are in charge of the test's technical features.

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