
Ihc mpo

499 599

Test Preparation : No special preparation required

Sample : Paraffin Blocks/Tissue in buffered formalin

Methodlogy : IHC

Description :


The immunohistochemistry (IHC) myeloperoxidase (MPO) test is a pathology diagnostic technique used to detect and describe specific cells within tissue samples, particularly those of myeloid origin. Myeloperoxidase, a protein present in neutrophils, monocytes, and macrophages, is essential in the immune system's response to infections. The IHC-MPO test employs antibodies that specifically target myeloperoxidase, resulting in a detectable stain. Pathologists may use this to see and distinguish cells expressing myeloperoxidase, which aids in the diagnosis of leukemias, lymphomas, and other myeloid cell illnesses.


The IHC-MPO test is an important diagnostic technique in medical diagnosis because it provides information on tissue composition and features, particularly those involving myeloid cells. It detects and verifies the presence of myeloperoxidase, an enzyme found only in immune cells such as neutrophils and monocytes. The test employs immunohistochemical methods to visualize the location and quantity of myeloperoxidase-expressing cells inside tissue samples. This knowledge is critical for hematological illnesses such as leukemia and lymphoma, where a precise understanding of cellular composition is required for therapy planning. The test also aids in the differentiation of distinct kinds of myeloid cells, improving the capacity to define tissues at the cellular level.


It is critical to convey any medical history, ongoing medicines, or underlying illnesses to the healthcare professional in order to prepare for an Immunohistochemistry Myeloperoxidase (IHC-MPO) test. There are no particular dietary or activity limits required prior to the test. Patients should dress comfortably so that blood may be collected from the arm. They should also notify the laboratory staff about any bleeding problems or blood-thinning drugs they are using. It is critical to follow particular recommendations from the healthcare practitioner or laboratory, such as fasting restrictions or interim drug withdrawal. Adherence to recommendations and clear communication with healthcare experts will enable a smooth and effective preparation for the IHC-MPO test, resulting in accurate and useful diagnostic findings.

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