
Ihc synaphtophysin

199 299

Test Preparation : No special preparation required

Sample : Paraffin Blocks/Tissue in buffered formalin

Methodlogy : IHC

Description :


The unique test category of HC stains is highly helpful. Immunohistochemistry, often known as IHC, is used to diagnose aberrant cells, including those seen in malignant tumors. It is based on the idea that each kind of antibody binds to and detects antigens that perfectly match it. If the cells have a particular antigen, the antibody that matches the antigen will be drawn to the cells. Chemicals are introduced that only cause the cells to change color in the presence of a certain antibody. A monoclonal antibody recognizes synaptophysin, a glycoprotein that is a crucial component of the membrane of neuroendocrine secretory granules, in a number of neuroendocrine tumors. IHC may be used to show the presence of synaptophysin in various brain and neuroendocrine tissues. It can be used to detect cancers originating from these tissues since it is a specific creator for those tissues. Since synaptophysin is trustworthy, it is frequently utilized as an IHC marker for neural differentiated tumors. It is carried out to confirm the presence of neuroendocrine tumors as well as during and following therapy. IHC Marker Synaptophysin Immunohistochemistry Biopsy Tissue is another name for it.


IHC allows for the deduction of the origin of the cancer cells. merely a biopsy can definitively diagnose the presence of a tumor; other tests can merely hint that one may be present. Some IHC stains can assist in identifying particular elements in cancer cells that affect a patient's prognosis and/or whether they would likely benefit from particular medications. IHC Biopsy Tissue for Synaptophysin yielded the following results: For all age groups and Unisex genders, a positive staining is observed when neuroendocrine tumors are found.


There is no need for extra preparations. However, before performing Synaptophysin IHC Biopsy Tissue, it is important to report any prior pharmaceutical use, underlying medical problems, or allergies. The type of diagnostic test that should be performed is decided by the doctor taking into account variables such as the type of tumor suspected, signs, symptoms, age, medical problems, and the results of prior medical tests. Accordingly, detailed instructions will be provided.

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