
Mean platelet volume (mpv)

100 300

Test Preparation : No special preparation required

Sample : WB - EDTA

Methodlogy : Electrical impedence

Description :


A quick blood test called the Mean Platelet Volume (MPV) test determines the typical size of platelets in the circulation. Small cell fragments called platelets are essential for blood clotting and wound healing. The MPV test offers insightful data about a person's blood's platelet population. The size of platelets might fluctuate as they are discharged into the circulation. Larger, more reactive platelets may be indicated by an increased MPV, whereas smaller, less reactive platelets may be indicated by a lower MPV. To assist identify and track a variety of medical disorders, this test is frequently performed in combination with other blood tests. For instance, immunological thrombocytopenia, which causes greater platelet oxidation, or cardiovascular disorders, where bigger platelets may be more prone to clot formation, may be circumstances where a high MPV is present. On the other hand, a low MPV may be seen in disorders such aplastic anemia, when insufficient platelets are produced by the bone marrow. Healthcare professionals may learn a lot about a patient's general health and blood clotting tendencies by using the MPV test. It facilitates the detection and treatment of several cardiovascular and hematological diseases, enabling effective and quick medical action when required.


It is possible to undertake a Mean Platelet Volume (MPV) test without significantly altering one's lifestyle or fasting. However, cooperation throughout the blood draw procedure and awareness of the test's significance might help to assure reliable findings. Consult with your healthcare physician to talk through the intent of the MPV test and how it will fit into your overall healthcare strategy before having it performed. Any drugs, vitamins, or herbal treatments you are presently using should be disclosed to your healthcare professional since they may alter platelet size. Before the test, they might give advice on which drugs should be temporarily changed or stopped. To guarantee the quality of the blood sample, drink enough of water. If you have any worries or are apprehensive about the treatment, calm down and relax. Dress comfortably so the blood may be drawn from your arm with ease. Before the blood sample is taken, your healthcare practitioner or phlebotomist will explain the process and its ramifications, so be ready to provide your informed consent for the MPV test. You may make sure that your MPV test goes smoothly and accurately by adhering to the recommendations provided here and being upfront with your healthcare practitioner.


Without fasting or modifying one's lifestyle, a Mean Platelet Volume (MPV) test can be carried out as a normal blood test. Consult your healthcare practitioner, go through any prescription drugs, dietary supplements, or herbal treatments, keep hydrated, dress comfortably, maintain composure, and provide informed permission to guarantee accurate findings. This will make sure the test goes well and give crucial information on the health of your platelets, assisting in evaluating your general health and any possible problems with platelet function and blood clotting. It's important to maintain your composure and ease during the operation.

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