
Natural killer cell marker : cd 16

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Test Preparation : No special preparation required

Sample : Heparined whole blood in 2 Green top tubes (2 - 3 mL)& Whole blood in EDTA tube (3 - 4 mL)

Methodlogy : Flow Cytometry

Description :


A specific diagnostic test called the Natural Killer Cell Marker: CD16 Marker Test is used in immunology and hematology to determine whether natural killer (NK) cells are present and functioning in a patient's blood. NK cells are an essential part of the immune system and are renowned for their capacity to recognize and eliminate aberrant or contaminated cells, such as cancer cells or viruses, without the requirement for pre-sensitization. A protein called FcRIII, sometimes referred to as the CD16 marker, is present on the surface of NK cells. This test evaluates the presence and density of CD16 markers on these cells, offering information on the activity and function of the NK cell population. Healthcare practitioners can better understand how the immune system reacts to infections and cancer by tracking CD16 markers. The capacity of the body to manage aberrant cell development or react to infections can be affected by NK cell malfunction, which makes the NK cell CD16 marker test particularly pertinent in the context of several illnesses, including cancer and autoimmune disorders. Clinicians may evaluate the activity of NK cells and decide on treatment plans based on the analysis of CD16 markers, potentially resulting in more effective immune-based medicines and better patient outcomes.


The Natural Killer Cell Marker: CD16 Test is essential for clinical diagnostics and immunology because it offers insightful information on the activity and operation of natural killer (NK) cells in the immune system. This test is useful in a number of ways. It helps determine the immune system's capacity to fight against infections and cancers, to start. NK cells, which are identified by the surface marker CD16, are crucial for identifying and eliminating aberrant cells, such as cancerous and virus-infected cells. Healthcare professionals can assess the activity and power of these immune defenders by examining the presence and density of CD16 markers on NK cells. This data aids in assessing the patient's immune response to infections and might influence decisions about treatment plans. Second, in the context of illnesses like cancer and autoimmune disorders, the CD16 test is especially pertinent. The development of a disease and the effectiveness of a treatment plan may be significantly impacted by NK cell dysfunction or impairment. Clinicians can identify inadequacies or anomalies in NK cell activity by evaluating CD16 markers, enabling more accurate and focused therapies. The creation of specialized immunotherapies or therapeutic strategies that improve the patient's immune response against particular illnesses may result from this understanding.


A blood test called the Natural Killer Cell Marker: CD16 Test necessitates little patient-specific preparation. Consult your healthcare practitioner, let them know about any prescription drugs or dietary supplements you are presently using, and follow their instructions to obtain accurate findings. You can often eat and drink normally before the test without having to fast. Stay calm and relaxed, and wear comfortable clothing to make it easier to reach the arm vein. Your healthcare provider's medical advise should be followed since they can have specific suggestions. For appropriate outcomes in diagnosis and treatment, communication with your healthcare professional is essential.

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