
Natural killer cell marker : cd 56

200 250

Test Preparation : No special preparation required

Sample : Heparinized bone marrow (3 - 4 mL) or Heparined whole blood in 2 Green top tubes (5-6mL)& Whole blood in EDTA tube (3mL).

Methodlogy : Flow Cytometry

Description :


A diagnostic laboratory test called the Natural Killer Cell Marker: CD56 Test is used to assess the quantity and activity of natural killer (NK) cells in a patient's blood. The immune system's NK cells are essential because they are capable of sensitizing and destroying cancerous cells, virus-infected cells, and other aberrant cells. A protein called NCAM, sometimes referred to as the CD56 marker, is present on the surface of NK cells. These cells' number and distribution of CD56 markers are measured by this assay, which offers crucial details on NK cell activity and function. In the context of different illnesses, such as cancer and immunodeficiency disorders, monitoring CD56 markers is especially important since NK cell malfunction can impair the body's capacity to manage infections and cancers. Healthcare professionals may evaluate the performance of NK cells by looking at CD56 markers, which aids in the diagnosis, planning, and monitoring of a variety of immune-related illnesses.


A vital tool in immunology and clinical diagnostics, the Natural Killer Cell Marker: CD56 Test provides insightful data on the activity and operation of natural killer (NK) cells in the immune system. This test is crucial in a number of ways. The ability of the immune system to fight off infections and cancers is first assessed. NK cells, which are identified by the CD56 marker on their surface, are essential for identifying and destroying aberrant cells, such as cancerous cells and cells that are infected with viruses. Healthcare practitioners can assess the activity and potency of these immune defenders by analyzing the density and distribution of CD56 markers on NK cells. For assessing the patient's immunological response to infections and directing treatment choices, this information is crucial. Second, since NK cell failure may have a big impact on diseases like cancer and immunodeficiency disorders, the CD56 test is very important in these cases. The capacity to manage infections and cancers may be impaired by a decline in NK cell activity or by NK cell malfunction. Clinicians can pinpoint shortages or anomalies in NK cell activity by evaluating CD56 markers, enabling more focused therapies. The development of tailored immunotherapies or therapeutic strategies that attempt to improve the patient's immune response against certain illnesses may result from this information.


A blood test called the Natural Killer Cell Marker: CD56 Test necessitates little patient-specific preparation. Consult your healthcare practitioner, let them know about any prescription drugs or dietary supplements you are presently using, and follow their instructions to obtain accurate findings. You can often eat and drink normally before the test without having to fast. Stay calm and relaxed, and wear comfortable clothing to make it easier to reach the arm vein. Your healthcare provider's medical advise should be followed since they can have specific suggestions. For appropriate outcomes in diagnosis and treatment, communication with your healthcare professional is essential.

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