
Paroxysmal nocturnal haemoglobinuria (pnh) diagnostic panel

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Test Preparation : No special preparation required

Sample : Heparined whole blood in 2 Green top tubes (2 - 3 mL)& Whole blood in EDTA tube (3 - 4 mL)

Methodlogy : Flow Cytometry

Description :


The Paroxysmal Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria (PNH) diagnostic panel is a specific combination of clinical assessments and laboratory tests used to identify and track people who may have the uncommon and acquired blood condition PNH. Hemolysis, or the destruction of red blood cells, blood clots, and bone marrow failure are signs of PNH caused by the abnormal breakdown of red blood cells. Several important elements commonly make up the PNH diagnostic panel. First, PNH clones, aberrant blood cells without a particular protein on their surface, are mostly detected by flow cytometry, a key test. The PNH cells in a patient's blood sample can be measured using this method. A complete blood count (CBC) and reticulocyte count are two further blood tests that may be carried out to evaluate a person's general blood health, including the degree of anemia and the existence of other abnormalities. Additionally, specialist tests can be used to confirm the diagnosis and gauge the severity of hemolysis in PNH patients, such as the Ham's test or the sucrose hemolysis test. These tests assist medical professionals in monitoring illness development and customizing treatment plans. Overall, the PNH diagnostic panel is essential for detecting and treating this complicated blood illness, allowing for prompt intervention and better quality of life for those who are affected.


The Paroxysmal Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria (PNH) diagnostic panel is an essential tool in the area of hematology since it aids in the diagnosis and treatment of this uncommon blood condition in a number of important ways. First, by recognizing and measuring PNH clones, which are aberrant blood cells lacking particular surface proteins, it aids in the conclusive diagnosis of PNH. This enables medical professionals to differentiate PNH from other illnesses that present with same symptoms, resulting in precise and focused therapy. The PNH diagnostic panel also enables us to evaluate the disease's severity and its effects on the patient's general blood health. It sheds light on the degree of anemia and other blood abnormalities linked to PNH through tests such complete blood counts (CBC) and reticulocyte counts. This information is essential for customizing treatment plans to fit the needs of each patient. The Ham's test and sucrose hemolysis tests, among other specialist tests included in the PNH panel, help confirm the diagnosis and track the course of the condition. Healthcare professionals can decide on therapy modifications, such as the use of treatments like eculizumab, which can dramatically enhance the quality of life for PNH patients, by monitoring changes in PNH clone size and evaluating the degree of hemolysis. In conclusion, the PNH diagnostic panel is a crucial tool that not only aids in the precise diagnosis of Paroxysmal Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria but also directs treatment choices, tracks the course of the disease, and ultimately enhances the outlook and general wellbeing of people with this complicated blood disorder.


There are various procedures involved in getting ready for a diagnostic panel test for paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria (PNH). Ask your doctor or the testing institution beforehand for more detailed instructions. The following rules should be followed: fasting is often not necessary, and any supplements or medications should be addressed with your doctor. For the blood draw procedure, hydration is essential, and it is advised to wear clothes that makes it simple to reach the arm. To prevent worry and tension, it is advisable to relax, and any allergies or unfavorable responses should be disclosed. For reliable results, it is essential to strictly adhere to the test's instructions.


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