
Platelet count

100 200

Test Preparation : No special preparation required

Sample : WB - EDTA

Methodlogy : Hydro Dynamic Focusing Method

Description :


A complete blood count (CBC), a common blood test that gives vital information about a person's general health and blood composition, includes a platelet count test as a critical component. This particular test counts the number of platelets in a certain amount of blood. Small cell fragments called platelets are essential for blood clotting and wound healing. In a microliter of blood, a normal platelet count normally varies from 150,000 to 450,000 platelets. There are several significant uses for the platelet count test. First off, it aids in the diagnosis and monitoring of a variety of medical diseases, including clotting or bleeding disorders (thrombocytopenia and thrombocythemia). A further inquiry and the right course of therapy are prompted by abnormal platelet counts, which might reveal underlying health problems. In order to determine a person's risk of excessive bleeding or clot formation, platelet counts are crucial. Low platelet counts can increase the chance of bleeding, whereas high platelet counts can raise the chance of clotting and raise the risk of disorders like deep vein thrombosis or pulmonary embolism. The Platelet Count Test, in general, is a vital instrument for assessing hematological health, directing treatment choices, and tracking patient reactions to therapy. It gives healthcare professionals useful information to make decisions and offers insightful information on a person's general wellbeing.


A crucial diagnostic tool for determining a person's general health and keeping track of numerous medical issues is the platelet count test. This test offers useful data that benefits patients and healthcare professionals by counting the amount of platelets in a blood sample. The Platelet Count Test is particularly important for aiding in the diagnosis and treatment of blood diseases such thrombocytopenia (low platelet count) and thrombocythemia (high platelet count). Abnormal platelet counts may be a sign of underlying medical conditions such autoimmune illnesses, bone marrow problems, or adverse drug reactions. By using platelet count monitoring to identify these disorders early, medical professionals can start prompt, effective therapy, reducing consequences and enhancing patient quality of life. Platelet counts are also essential for determining the likelihood of bleeding and clotting. In surgeries and trauma situations, low platelet counts can cause excessive bleeding, hence the test is crucial. On the other hand, a high platelet count might raise the danger of abnormal blood clot development, which can lead to life-threatening diseases including heart attacks or strokes. Healthcare professionals can create preventative strategies and treatments to lower the likelihood of these potentially fatal occurrences by recognizing these risks. In conclusion, the Platelet Count Test is an essential tool for hematological diagnostics, offering information about a person's blood health, assisting in the selection of treatments, and facilitating the early identification and management of a variety of medical disorders. In the end, it results in better patient care, better results, and more general wellbeing.


A simple and minimal amount of preparation is required for a platelet count test. It's crucial to speak with your doctor in order to comprehend the goal of the test and how it fits into your overall healthcare strategy. Any drugs, dietary supplements, or herbal therapies that may have an impact on platelet counts should be disclosed to your healthcare physician. Keep yourself adequately hydrated to provide a high-quality blood sample. Keep your composure and let medical personnel know if you have any worries or anxieties. Dress in a way that makes it simple to reach your arm to take a blood sample. Prior to the test, provide your informed permission. For accurate results, heed the advice of healthcare specialists.

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