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Overview of Good Health Package

How Good Health Package helps you?


A comprehensive pediatric healthcare program with an emphasis on a child's well-being is offered by the PLATINUM CHILD CARE - ISO package. It provides specialist services such as comprehensive physical examinations, diagnostic testing, and customized treatment regimens. The program's main goals are to maximize a child's growth and health through early detection, preventive care, and customized interventions. It takes into account all facets of a child's existence, including their mental and physical health. In addition to proactively identifying and managing potential problems, the package addresses current health difficulties. By giving their kids the best pediatric care possible, parents and other caregivers can guarantee their children's health for the future.


A premier pediatric healthcare program that offers all-encompassing support for kids' wellbeing is PLATINUM CHILD CARE - ISO package. Specialized services like medical exams, diagnostics, and customized treatment programs are included. The program places a strong emphasis on customized interventions, early detection, and preventive care. It takes into account children's overall development, including their physical, emotional, and developmental stages, in addition to any acute health difficulties. With the information and resources from the curriculum, parents and other caregivers can offer the finest pediatric healthcare. The package guarantees youngsters receive the finest care possible by promoting a proactive and customized approach, laying the groundwork for a healthy and prosperous future.


The ISO package for PLATINUM CHILD CARE offers a proactive and all-inclusive approach to pediatric healthcare. In addition to providing a thorough medical history and discussing any concerns or observations regarding their child's health, parents are required to arrange a consultation with healthcare providers. Parents must follow certain pre-package instructions, such providing the child's pertinent medical paperwork and getting them ready for advanced diagnostic testing. It's important for parents to communicate openly, and medical staff will walk them through the details of the package. A proactive and customized approach to pediatric healthcare is promoted by actively participating in the planning phase, which guarantees that the package is customized to the child's specific needs.

Test parameters: 62 Test Code: P555 COMPLETE BLOOD COUNT(CBC),THYROID ? TSH,LIPID PROFILE,LIVER PROFILE,URINE PROFILE COMPLETE,VITAMIN D, 25 HYDROXY (TOTAL),BLOOD GROUP ABO,RH FACTOR etc Fasting: Require 10 to 12 hours Report available in: 24 Hours Cholesterol that could be a fat-like waxy material which may be all told components of the body. that helps within the production of cell membranes, some hormones, and fat-soluble vitamin.? There area unit 2 sources of steroid alcohol in kid?s blood to the foods that your child chow and his or her liver. Though, your child?s liver will manufacture all of the steroid alcohol he or she wants. A thyroid stimulating endocrine (TSH) take a look at could be a general biopsy that is employed to appraise however well the endocrine is functioning. The endocrine is set at the lower front of the neck. the thyrotrophic hormone is made by the pituitary, a small-sized organ set at rock bottom of the brain. Irritability, nervousness, sweating, irregular heartbeat, weight loss, tiredness, dry skin, slow growth, constipation, delayed time of life area unit some Symptoms of thyroid within the kid.

Fasting Required:
Do not eat or drink anything other than water for 8-12 hours before the test..

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