
Rbc folate

200 600

Test Preparation : No special preparation required

Sample : WB - EDTA

Methodlogy : ElectroChemiluminescence

Description :


A medical laboratory test called the RBC folate test, sometimes called the Red Blood Cell Folate Test, is used to assess the amounts of folate, commonly known as vitamin B9, in red blood cells. The creation of red and white blood cells, DNA synthesis, cell division, and other biological processes all depend on the vital water-soluble vitamin folate. Given that red blood cells have an average lifespan of around 120 days and retain folate, this test is especially useful for determining a person's long-term folate status. RBC folate levels that are abnormal might reveal important information about a person's nutritional status and aid in the diagnosis of illnesses caused by excess or insufficient folate. To assess a person's total nutritional status and to direct suitable dietary or medical changes, it is frequently used in combination with other blood tests.


The RBC folate test is a useful medical instrument that benefits us in a number of ways. First of all, it offers vital details regarding a person's long-term folate status, which is important for evaluating their general nutritional health. Red and white blood cell production, cell division, and DNA synthesis all depend on folate, also known as vitamin B9. This test reveals if a person is getting enough of this crucial vitamin from their food or supplements by examining the levels of folate in red blood cells. The RBC folate test also assists in the diagnosis of diseases linked to excess or insufficient folate. Anemia, which is defined by a decrease in the number of red blood cells and symptoms like weariness and weakness, can result from a folate shortage. On the other side, abnormally high amounts of folate might be a sign of certain diseases or an overdose of folate supplementation, which can also have negative consequences. Overall, the RBC folate test aids medical professionals in customizing their advice on dietary modifications or supplemental use to address folate-related problems, thus assisting in the preservation of good health and the prevention and management of various medical diseases.


Consult your healthcare provider, avoid fasting, talk about medications and supplements, maintain a regular diet, abstain from alcohol and tobacco for 24 hours, stay hydrated, get a good night's sleep, and adhere to any additional instructions they may give you in order to prepare for an RBC folate test. Following dietary recommendations and leading a healthy lifestyle can help guarantee precise outcomes. Before scheduling the test, speak with your healthcare practitioner to receive detailed instructions based on your individual medical history and condition. For the most precise outcomes, abide by any extra guidelines or dietary restrictions.

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