
Testosterone free

100 300

Test Preparation : No special preparation required

Sample : SERUM

Methodlogy : ELISA

Description :


A free testosterone test is a type of medical examination that gauges a patient's blood's level of unbound or bioavailable testosterone. Although it is present in both genders in lower levels, testosterone is a crucial hormone that is predominantly generated in the testes for males and the ovaries for females. This hormone is essential for many physiological processes, including the growth of muscles, preservation of bone mass, control of mood, and the emergence of sexual traits. The free testosterone test particularly quantifies the amount of testosterone that isn't attached to any proteins in the circulation, such albumin or sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG). The physiologically active form of testosterone is this unbound form, which interacts easily with androgen receptors found in a variety of bodily tissues and cells. In clinical practice, free testosterone testing is helpful for a number of reasons. It aids in the assessment and diagnosis of hormonal imbalances, such as low or high levels of testosterone (hypogonadism or hyperandrogenism), which can cause symptoms including exhaustion, changes in libido, muscular weakness, and mood disorders. Healthcare providers can make educated judgments regarding treatments and interventions to improve a patient's health and well-being by measuring bioavailable testosterone in order to get crucial insights into the hormonal status of the patient.


In endocrinology and reproductive medicine, the free testosterone test is a crucial diagnostic technique that offers precise evaluations of a person's hormonal health. It measures the quantity of free or bioavailable testosterone, enabling medical professionals to precisely depict the hormone's physiologically active form in the circulation. Abnormal levels of free testosterone can be a sign of a number of hormonal conditions, including polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) in women and hypogonadism in men. Elevated levels can signify diseases like hyperandrogenism, while low levels might point to hypogonadism. Healthcare professionals can better adapt treatment regimens to address hormonal abnormalities by knowing the amounts of bioavailable testosterone in the body. Patients with low levels, for instance, can benefit from testosterone replacement medication, but those with high levels would need therapies that address the underlying reason. Regular free testosterone testing enable medical professionals to monitor the effectiveness of their actions and change them as necessary to reach ideal hormonal balance. Another advantage of the free testosterone test is that it will improve your quality of life. It aids people in regaining their energy, mental stability, sexual health, and general quality of life by diagnosing and treating hormonal abnormalities. This test is crucial for achieving the best results in terms of hormonal health and general wellness.


Testing for free testosterone may be done quickly and easily. It is crucial to speak with your doctor, give any pertinent medical information, and take the test early in the day. The day before the exam, refrain from engaging in any strenuous activity for at least 24 hours. On the day of the test, keep hydrated by drinking water, and maintain composure. This will aid in appropriate interpretation of the data and guard against any adverse effects on hormone levels. Keep in mind to adhere to your doctor's test directions.

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