
Total leucocyte count (tlc)

200 300

Test Preparation : No special preparation required

Sample : WB - EDTA

Methodlogy : Optical detector block based on the flow cytometry method

Description :


The total number of white blood cells (leucocytes) present in a patient's blood sample is determined by the Total Leucocyte Count (TLC) test, often referred to as the White Blood Cell Count (WBC) test. An essential part of the immune system, white blood cells are essential in protecting the body against infections, bacteria, viruses, and other external invaders. The TLC test offers crucial details regarding a person's general health and immune system operation. White blood cell abnormalities can be a sign of a number of diseases, including infections, inflammatory diseases, leukemia, and immune system problems. Healthcare professionals may learn important information about a patient's health by evaluating their TLC. This information is helpful for the diagnosis, monitoring, and management of a variety of medical disorders.


A vital diagnostic technique that offers important insights into a patient's general health and immune system operation is the Total Leucocyte Count (TLC) test. Healthcare experts can get crucial information about a person's immune response and any underlying medical issues by counting the total number of white blood cells in the circulation. A high TLC may call for additional examination and enable early intervention and therapy by pointing to the possibility of infections, inflammatory conditions, or leukemia. On the other hand, a low TLC might be a sign of illnesses including immune system deficits or bone marrow diseases. The TLC test is useful not only for identifying illnesses but also for tracking the development of diseases and the success of medical interventions. It is used by doctors to monitor changes in white blood cell counts over time, ensuring that patients receive the right care and that treatment regimens are modified as needed. The TLC test can be a crucial tool in determining the severity of the illness and directing urgent medical measures in emergency conditions, such as serious infections or immunocompromised states. Essentially, the TLC test is an essential part of clinical diagnostics that helps doctors make precise diagnoses, customize treatment plans, and ultimately improve patient outcomes.


To get ready for a Total Leucocyte Count (TLC) test, remember to: tell your doctor about any prescription drugs or dietary supplements you're taking; stay hydrated; avoid fasting; wear loose, comfortable clothes; be calm; and offer your medical history. Any recent infections or illnesses should be disclosed to your healthcare professional in order to ensure an appropriate interpretation of the test findings. It's also important to be composed and at ease before the test. Your doctor may have unique suggestions based on your health situation and the goal of the test, so pay attention to any special instructions they give you.

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