
Tri iodothyronine total (tt3)

200 300

Test Preparation : No special preparation required

Sample : SERUM

Methodlogy : ElectroChemiluminescence

Description :


The tri-iodothyronine (T3) test, also known as the TT3 test, is a diagnostic blood test that assesses the blood levels of tri-iodothyronine, a vital thyroid hormone. The creation of energy, the body's metabolism, and general growth and development are all significantly influenced by thyroid hormones. Tri-iodothyronine (T3) is the more physiologically active type of thyroid hormone, whereas thyroxine (T4) makes up the majority of the thyroid hormone found in the body. When evaluating thyroid function, doctors frequently request the TT3 test, particularly when looking into hyperthyroidism (an overactive thyroid) or keeping track of how well thyroid medications are working. Different thyroid conditions, such as Graves' disease, thyroiditis, or thyroid nodules, can be detected by abnormal T3 levels. Healthcare professionals may learn important information about a patient's thyroid health by testing T3 concentrations, which aids in the accurate diagnosis and treatment of thyroid problems. This test, which is frequently conducted in conjunction with other thyroid function tests, is extremely important for preserving the equilibrium of thyroid hormones that are necessary for overall health.


The tri-iodothyronine (T3) test is a critical diagnostic tool for determining thyroid function and aiding medical practitioners in comprehending a patient's general state of health. Tri-iodothyronine, a hormone produced by the thyroid gland, is measured by this test in the circulation. Doctors can learn more about several facets of a patient's health by analyzing TT3 levels. The TT3 test is primarily used to diagnose thyroid conditions including hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism. A thyroid that is hyperactive may have elevated TT3 levels, whereas a thyroid that is underactive may have lower levels. In order to restore hormonal balance and manage symptoms, treatment strategies may be customized using this information and may include involve medication or lifestyle changes. The TT3 test is also essential for evaluating how well thyroid drugs and therapies are working. A patient will receive the best treatment and maintain stable thyroid function if regular follow-up testing enables medical practitioners to monitor changes in TT3 levels and make required dose modifications. As thyroid hormones have a role in controlling metabolism, energy levels, and body temperature, TT3 testing can provide light on a variety of health disorders in addition to those connected to the thyroid. A further study and early management may be warranted in the event that abnormal TT3 levels point to underlying health issues other than thyroid problems.


Tri-iodothyronine (TT3) testing preparation includes fasting for 8–12 hours, telling your doctor about any medications or dietary supplements, scheduling the test early in the morning, staying hydrated with water, avoiding strenuous activity and alcohol consumption, and adhering to any instructions given by your doctor or the testing facility. For the diagnosis of thyroid problems and for directing therapy choices, accurate findings are essential. It's important to drink plenty of water, refrain from other beverages and meals, and adhere to any special directions given by your doctor or the testing center.

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